Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation

The Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (Turkish: Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı, TESEV), based in Istanbul, is Turkey's leading think tank.[1][2] Its core program areas are democratization, good governance, and foreign policy.[3]

It was founded in 1961 as the Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Konferans Heyeti by the pharmaceutical entrepreneur Nejat Eczacıbaşı.[4]


Executive board

The following members were elected in February 2006:[5]



TESEV has a budget of around $2 million per year, of which $400,000 is covered by the Soros Foundation, and the rest by domestic sources.[6]

TESEV has also received numerous grants from the World Bank, Freedom House, the European Institute, and the United Nations Development Programme.[7] The National Endowment for Democracy awarded TESEV $100,485 in 2004,[8] and $50,000 in 2006.[9]


  1. ^ Akyol, Mustafa (2006-11-22). "No real threat to secularism, says TESEV". Turkish Daily News. http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=59810. Retrieved 2008-08-30. 
  2. ^ Independent Commission on Turkey (2004-09-06). "Turkey in Europe: More than a promise?". Independent Commission on Turkey. Soros Foundation. http://www.independentcommissiononturkey.org/report.html. "A survey published in 2000 and conducted by TESEV, Turkey’s leading think tank..." 
  3. ^ "TESEV Dış Politika Programı" (in Turkish). Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi. http://www.stgm.org.tr/stkhaberdetay.php?detid=1327. Retrieved 2008-11-02. "2002 yılından bu yana “Demokratikleşme”, “Dış Politika”, ve “İyi Yönetişim” olmak üzere üç program alanı altında faaliyet göstermektedir." 
  4. ^ "History and Founders" (in Turkish). Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation. http://www.tesev.org.tr/default.asp?PAG00_CODE=HAKENS01. Retrieved 2008-08-30. 
  5. ^ "Executive board" (in Turkish). Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation. http://www.tesev.org.tr/default.asp?PAG00_CODE=HAKENS03. Retrieved 2008-08-30. "27/02/2006 tarihinde yapılan Mütevelliler Kurulu toplantısında iki yıl süre ile seçilen TESEV Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri..." 
  6. ^ Akman, Nuriye (2008-09-21). "Son kavga, Doğan Grubu'nun atanmışların yanında yer almasına reaksiyondur" (in Turkish). Zaman. http://www.zaman.com.tr/haber.do?haberno=740712. "TESEV'in toplam bütçesi 2 milyon doların üzerinde. Bunun 400 bini Soros'tan geliyorsa, kalanı bizim yerli katkıcılarımızdan." 
  7. ^ Arikanoglu, Soner (2007-01-10). "Sivil topluma 44 milyon YTL dış destek" (in Turkish). Radikal. http://www.radikal.com.tr/haber.php?haberno=209611. Retrieved 2008-11-02. 
  8. ^ "Grants Program". National Endowment for Democracy. 2004. http://www.ned.org/grants/04programs/grants-mena04.html#Turkey. Retrieved 2008-11-02. 
  9. ^ "Grants Program". National Endowment for Democracy. 2006. Archived from the original on 2008-05-10. http://web.archive.org/web/20080510081650/http://www.ned.org/grants/06programs/grants-mena06.html#turkey. Retrieved 2008-11-02. 

External links